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2008/05/09 - 2:07 p.m. A lot has changed since my last entry; I've moved from southern Oregon to Southern California. I'm no longer a wife, but rather an ex-wife. My first love and I found each other on myspace and been happily together for nearly a year now. Sadly, he's decided not to go to college. He may go to a trade school but he wants to go right to work. This computer I'm on is quite quirky, so I should end this now. Bright blessings to all who read this. � Stopping In for a Quickie - 2008/05/09Solstice/Yule - 2005/12/20 I'm So Proud! - 2004/05/10 To All The Pumpkins - 2004-04-22 Questions - 2004-04-18 � |